wordpress styles

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • matt310

    I recently started building themes myself and I had the same problem (not knowing much about php). I used this wordpress starter theme


    it's a breakdown of all the files with the minimum php code that is required to get the theme rolling. you can bascially then add in your layout and test it out. I'd recommend going with something pretty simple to start just so you can see how all the files work together. here's a list of what the pages actually do:

    404.php - this should be straight forward, customize it how ever you want

    archive.php - this is the page template viewers are taken to when they click any archive link on your theme

    comments.php - this is the file that sets up comments for the theme and how they are displayed. probably the most confusing file of them all, most php code

    footer.php - paste your footer code in here

    functions.php - leave as is for basic themes

    header.php - paste your header code in here

    index.php - homepage, make sure you include the wp loop

    page.php - this is the template for actual static pages - ie:about

    searchform.php - search form code - can leave as is unless you want to customize the search form appearance

    sidebar.php - sidebar for the website - make sure it is outside of the loop.

    single.php - this is the page template for when someone views an individual post page

    style.css - your styles

    I find it easiest to code the index page first then just cut and paste out the header, footer, etc... then make any changes to the single.php and archive.php file. fire me a message if you have any other questions.

    • if you know nothing about php - make sure you look up "includes" that is important to understand and awesomematt31

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