spore vs jesus

Out of context: Reply #70

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  • Nairn0

    Whatever - aside from my little unintended stint as 'detritus' on here, I've never hidden my real self from my stance in any argument or situation, for which more than one or two people dislike me.

    You're usually pretty quickly on to these Christian-tinged threads when they pop up - so I ask you this - who are you really? And why the need for a facade?

    I completely disagree with Gramme, but ultimately quite like the guy and respect him, despite the polarity in our beliefs - but you?

    Why do you hide? Why do you spend so much time fighting with people who are mismatched to your theological slugging on a design board? What's your motivation and purpose? Do you feel better about yourself? Do you think you're saving anyone?

    Why don't you just follow dear Jesus' lead and just do good by your brothers and sisters?

    • thou dost protest too much, methinks. Debating this issue is a fun exercise for me. :)teleos
    • and I like to think that I do good to brothers and non-brothers. ...and sisters.teleos

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