spore vs jesus

Out of context: Reply #64

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  • mikotondria30

    Yes, and I contend that RIGHT NOW there are people far smarter than you (and me), with a far better understanding of ALL those subjects than you, working on them right now.
    You seem content to sit on the sidelines and just point and jeer at those involved in furthering REAL understanding.
    Maybe after a lifetime of studying, in depth, at the highest levels, at least one tiny portion of one of the meta-topics your mention above, maybe THEN you can say with some weight that you believe the questions are unanswerable and cite a 'creator', (plus a full explanation of what that exactly you mean).
    But only then.
    And if your answer to what you believe that creator to be is something like 'a supreme and divine 'thing' that I can't fully explain', then I will punch you in the face.

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