spore vs jesus

Out of context: Reply #59

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  • teleos0

    Lets talk about evidence. What do we actually observe scientifically...

    1. The cell, the core of life, is a nano-factory with millions of highly complex processes going on simultaneously. Transport shuttles, transcription, backup processes, the list goes on and on. And then there's DNA which is the most sophisticated program we've ever observed. PHD's in engineering and are baffled by the cell's machinery and code.

    2. We have a fossil record which demonstrates a series of saltation events. Massive bursts of novel cell and biological novelty in very short periods of time {see the Cambrian Explosion]. Evolutionary timetables cannot account for this. We are also finding ancient aquatic creatures like urchins which have all of the unexpressed informmation for biped appendages: hands, fingers, etc... So what looked "simple" we are now finding is loaded with unexpressed complex information just waiting for it's trigger.

    3. The cosmological constants have been fined tuned to support life on our planet. From our position in the galaxy and our perfect distance from the sun to the fine tuned tolerance that gravity is set at. Slightly more and we'd be crushed, slightly less and we'd fly off the planet.

    4. Human consciousness and first person perspective. We are hard wired to ponder our existence. And neuroscience cannot reduce the mind to the physical apparatus of the brain. Information and propositions exists regardless of whether the physical brain does. Reductionism won't work here and the honest ones admit it.

    These are just a few pieces of OBSERVABLE DATA. Check it out for yourself. And follow it where it leads.

    • Your point (1) is filled with psuedo scientific babble...TheBlueOne
    • (2) "evolutionary timetables can't account for this"? More babble. read Gould.TheBlueOne
    • GOD OF THE GAPS? Seriously? How old are you?i_monk
    • (3) That's called the anthropromorphic theory. Seriously look at the scale of the universe and run the odds. We got lucky.TheBlueOne
    • (4) Indeed, nueroscience cannot reduce the "mind" to the brain. However, if I scoop out your brain....well...TheBlueOne
    • (anthropic theory)Nairn
    • not 'theory', principlespifflink
    • balls.

    • I love the AP - I've been invoking it for so much these days.Nairn

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