LHC Countdown

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • matteranitmatter0

    Gospel of Jesus and Judas make sense if you know your what he's talking about.
    1. When you were one you became two when you become two what will you do. This is talking about the matrix glyph but it's also talking about growing up and becoming friends with your enemy antimatter self and find your love.
    In the Gospel of Judas he ask who here can show me there true spiritual self and everyone had an ego and jesus started to laugh and then they were angry judas the depressed and had no ego got up and told jesus he's knows who he is.. etc etc and he tells him about a boundless realm. This is exactly what Neo talks about at the end of matrix part 1 a boundless realm, you can only eneter it with out ego a pure thought pure imagination pure heart, cause you are creating realities with your mind this is how the other realities are also made.

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