
Out of context: Reply #277

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  • TheBlueOne0

    Morilla: "It just astounds me that after all we have been through with the current administration that level headed and educated people are still willing to put their trust into someone like McCain. I mean, honestly c'mon...."

    I too am amazed how our Pundit Overlords can seriously state, with a straight face on the teevee and in the papers of record, that McCain and the Republicans are about "change". He is a Republican. A party that has held the executive branch for eight years. He is advising no different policy. He is using exactly the same rhetoric and utilizing the same bases of political support (oil companies, right wing cultural groups..). Yet, suddenly and magically, surrounded by rainbows and unicorns, he is somehow captured the "change" lexicon. Our Pundit Overlords are now telling me that McCain = Change.

    Amazing. I don't know how they do it, but I want that power.

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