
Out of context: Reply #199

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  • nicnichols0

    Reminds me of when I was in London, during the May Day "Protests" of 2002.. my friend who lives there told us to be careful, as there would be alot of Anti-Americanism that day- Starbucks and McDonalds were boarded up, as they were bastions of "Globalization"...
    ..So we walk around all day, and there are thousands of kids sitting in the streets with anti-globalization signs, and they are all wearing their Ben Shermans, drinking mass produced beer. So I ask one of them, whats the difference between your mass produced Beer, and a Starbucks. Their answer? Starbucks is American. McDonalds was American. So again, its ok to a large corporation, as long as you are not based in the States. Then you are the devil.

    • so trueGeorges
    • they are alking about globalism it seems only natural to target agressive foreign companiesKwesiJ
    • speaking out against 'large corporations' in general would be more mislead considering...at least they have some ideasKwesiJ
    • ...some ideas.KwesiJ
    • that's entertainmentcapsize
    • it was fun as hell until the drunk bastards went nuts.. then we got to actually be in the 'riot' part...nicnichols

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