Artism - Art For Autism!

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Nairn0

    You're well-meaning, rybo - but ultimately quite clueless.

    There's no structure to your proposition. There's no legitimacy in your actions - no apparent tie-in to a real organisation or proof of capability or intent. There's no quality in the product you're offering - beyond charity, there's no pull for the people you're trying to attract.

    The world is full of causes - everyone vying for recognition and cash for one reason or another. Look at what you've got there - what attempts have you made to actually ORGANISE an effective project beyond hoiking up a website?

    Don't get me wrong - I kind of admire your tenacity, but you appear to view things the wrong way around - from the dream backwards, rather than the small steps needed to make something actually happen.

    Vespa did something *kind of* along the lines of what you're attempting a few years back, and made full use of the contacts and potential here to realise her ambitions. I have no idea whether it made much money - but it, very quickly, became real and substantial. It had merit.

    The 'Show some old work' thread has made me remember just how un-competent (as opposed to in-) I was, not that many years ago - but the difference between you now and me then, is that I knew my limits and tried to ensure I learned off people better than I. So I stayed schtumm, kept my head down and worked hard. Perhaps I'm wrong, and one day you'll be a world-renowned donkey-dicked gazillionaire... but perhaps not.

    All I'm trying to say here is - small steps and organisation. A concept and a web page do not a project make.

    • thank you for shitting on my project i would like to ask QBN to delete this post now.rybo
    • that is good advice rybo, you have so far provided no incentive for people to give you their time, money and art work.skt
    • and you cannot pick and choose what advice you receive on here.skt

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