
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • Koopsy0

    Haha yes... they do that to me too. I agreed to go into the London edition for 2007. They had cold-called me into a stupor - don't even know where they got me from - and in the end I was swayed by the fact that you get 1000 contact addresses as part of the deal. That was really all I wanted so I hammered the cost down and made them agree to give me a right hand page.

    I got a left hand page and even worse they put me in Art Directors!, so my listing - as an illustrator - was almost entirely useless.

    I complained about it and they did a really annoying thing of offering me "a huge discount on next years listing" on condition I signed up to it and paid there and then! as though it was possible to turn their fuck up to their own advantage!

    So out of beligerence I didn't bother this year. They just spammed me with a generic last minute offer email though so I was half tempted to giv ethem another go.

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