DJ Logo Critique.

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • 65 Responses
  • anairn0

    That Ninja logo might feel like a good idea now, but it'll fuck up everything it encounters if it's actually used out there - how are those wee lines going to translate in a 2cm-wide block at the base of a flyer? It takes up so much space, yet says so little. I know it's hackneyed (but then, so is their bloody name), but why not make it.. I dunno ..a bit more Ninja-ish? The only thing that ties it in there is the colour black, which ... well, it's not enough.

    I deleted a previous railing against your Dub Crookz logo - I won't go back into how un-Dub it feels - suffice to say, I think your choice of bastard mix of sans-serif and gothic is utterly dreadful - it's non-sensical, for a start ('Robin Hood'? Oh, come on!), it's badly-rendered (the little white fleck in the D, the fact that the C looks like a G), the colour scheme is atrocious and irrelevant. If you insist on going down this route - push it to the maxxx - really run with it and make it something. Spend a day doodling it to fuck in a notebook - integrate the two words into a more cohesive form - try centre-aligning it, adding more gothic detailing to the sans-serif forms - think about it in terms of a piece of art, rather than a logotype. At the moment, it's so half-hearted and weak, it makes me want to slap you.

    You know, for all your ranting about rubbing against the corporate grain, that last one looks like it's come straight out of a meeting of clueless 60-year old myspace business wannabes in a 70s decor, fluorescent-lit office basement in Swindon.

    I can't stress enough how shite I think it is.

    I'd apologise, but I wouldn't mean it.

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