Media Cheerleading

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • ukit0

    OK, here's another example.

    Fox News just did a news segment on the Republican-backed initiative in California to apportion the state's electoral votes according to who carries the individual House districts — which if passed would effectively give 20 free electoral votes to the Republicans, from straight out of the Dem column.

    Fox's take is hilariously biased, even by the network's practically nonexistent ethical standards. The person brought on to speak in favor of it is described only as "pro-reform"...

    ...while the person who spoke against was described only as:

    We are never told anything more about who these men are, who they work for, or what their partisan activities might be — all we're told is that the guy for this initiative is "pro-reform" and the man opposed to it is "anti-reform."

    As it turns out, "pro-reform" Kevin Eckery is a Republican consultant and the spokesman for Californians for Equal Representation, the astro-turf group offering the initiative. And "anti-reform" Ari Swiller is a Democratic fundraiser.

    • You really think someone took the time to Photoshop something like this? LOLukit

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