very quick Flash Q

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  • unfittoprint0

    from Flash's actionscript reference:


    Property (global); sets or retrieves the rendering quality used for a movie. Device fonts are always aliased and therefore are unaffected by the _quality property.

    The _quality property can be set to the following values:

    • LOW Low rendering quality. Graphics are not anti-aliased, bitmaps are not smoothed.
    • MEDIUM Medium rendering quality. Graphics are anti-aliased using a 2 x 2 grid, in pixels, but bitmaps are not smoothed. Suitable for movies that do not contain text.
    • HIGH High rendering quality. Graphics are anti-aliased using a 4 x 4 grid, in pixels, and bitmaps are smoothed if the movie is static. This is the default rendering quality setting used by Flash.
    • BEST Very high rendering quality. Graphics are anti-aliased using a 4 x 4 grid, in pixels, and bitmaps are always smoothed.


    The following example sets the rendering quality to LOW:

    _quality = "LOW";"

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