racism is now history

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • SoulFly0

    Is there a translation to what he says at the beginning?
    Interesting story, during an advertising class in school, we had a famous speaker, this advertising "guru" from India, he was based on the UK at the time, but he mentioned during class this award winner advertising he created for a pill that made a woman's menstrual cycle to happen sooner, that was because the Indian woman are not allowed to cook food during their menstruation - so the pill will be helpful if there was a weeding or something coming up and they needed to prepare food.

    So that talk opened a whole can of worms in class, every girl was outraged, they didn't understand why that was an issue. They guy just said, that's how it is in India.

    • wedding that is...SoulFly
    • I know they can't go to a temple or anything because having your period = impure.Jaline
    • what a bunch of cunts making people believe its unclean, impure or some other bullshit.mikotondria3

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