CV/Resume Help

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • 30 Responses
  • e-pill0


    if you are going to have 2 pages make sure you put your name and page number on the top right. you should do this because when faxed or emailed a lot of times the person printing it out or grabing from a stack of prints may misplace the order of the pages and your resume which is for most 1 page may not even be handed to the proper person as being 2 pages, this way you are showing your professionalism and your attention to details.

    who wants to hire someone who cant even label their own resume correctly, i sure as hell do not...

    also as most people have already stated, your title as CD, should showcase a great level of command to themselves and to the details they are describing towards themselves. i think it is very vague as a title to shop around and most people who use it better be the fucking best at what they do or else well you are just hurting your chances in your own career but only showing everything you cant do...


    ok im done with the lecture, now get to busting out that paper and go get a job!!!!

    also 1 last thing... white paper, no logos and use the best font you can.

    if you dont your resume will be thrown away or used as an example to what you should never do.

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