Build - Pritt

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • max_prophet0

    I'd have gone to some twatty bar in Shoreditch and gathered an exciteable bunch of trendy drinkers to come outside to join in our body art fun contest, (sponsored by R.Whites Lemonade and Bombay Sapphire) ... they would all have been given PRITT® MARKERS and would draw little lightening bolts or skulls or bombs or whatever else was deemed ironically cool at the time all over their spindly, rayban wearing girlfriends, then they would all be lined up at the end like an NYPD meets American Apparel identity parade and the camera would pan past the beautiful people in their homespun 'art'. Then drips would fill the screen and the Pritt logo would be stencilled in urging you to spend your hard earned designer cash on their FANTASTIC products – this weeks vinyl toy will just have to wait. (cut to little outtake of a kubrick toy as a tear drips down its cheek).

    Instant fucking win for me.

    • interesting... I find your words intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.ian
    • No link to your work then, Max?Concrete
    • hahahahaha, you are a proper cunt rasko, but sometimes you really nail it :Dkelpie

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