Major advice needed.

Out of context: Reply #77

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  • e-pill0

    send me a link to your portfolio, we at my company hire print designers for making prints for our bags. i will forward your resume and print samples to my design director and ask that they give you some work, your rates are fine for what we need. the reality is we may need a lot. so this may be your way in. the sooner the better as well.

    also we buy prints fro mprint houses that receive their art from artists around the world s oyou dont have to live in nyc to work for us or the print houses. do some searches and im sure you can find a lot more than waht you have seen and its a new path a new avenue and endless work.

    did mention that the fashion industry has endless work???
    that means endless paychecks...

    i dont know that new iphone and ferrari look really nice...


    • Endless paychecks? I'm in!5timuli
    • cools!! the first best thing i heard you say so far.e-pill
    • Yeah, sorry for being a whiner, it's too easy to do right now.5timuli
    • oh yeh, wells i just checked my email and saw nothing.
      you need to work harder!!
    • i got your email. pls send me resume and a few samples of werk. 5-6 pcs, not url.e-pill

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