Major advice needed.

Out of context: Reply #68

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  • e-pill0

    ok, i say this often and always people laugh it off.

    go tell her to get a job in STARBUCKS COFFEE HOUSE.
    they are in the top 5 in the top 500 companies world wide.
    they offer some of the most dominating health benefit packages and its offered straight up and to part time employees too.

    this stuff i hear from you about her not wanting to work makes no sense as its only placing you and her in the red. why not suffer the initial hate of working that kind of job and gain confidence of just plain working will not only make her stronger as a person but will also tell potential employers hey look at me and my resume, im busting ass and ill take what ever it takes to put food on my and my husband's table. plus employers dont want to hire deadbeats, they want current working professionals. so i say you need to have a sit down with your wife and make her want this as her life is depending on it, plus you are both adults not children so make it happen for you and stop waiting on others for that hand-out.

    sorry if that sounds harsh but it is something you and her need to hear. so make it happen and as everyone has stated b4 your work is dope!!! so start shopping out to NYC and why shop it out of your current industry?!?!

    i work in the fashion/ garment/ accessories industries and we have endless amount of work... someone with your talents can easily work either on site or freelance for any number of companies that do something you arent so familar with...

    check this site out for work.

    Style Careers [FASHION ONLY JOBS]


    best of luck brother!!!
    our hopes are with yours!!!


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