Becoming a wage slave..

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • designbot0

    I think you are right about "taking less pay for the right job" hopefully you don't have too, and of course never let them lowball you, but there is certainly more than just making money. If making alot of money is your only goal, you'll probably end up with a shit job you hate. Being happy in your job effects your whole life. I feel I kind of had to make this move about 6 mo's ago and I don't regret it at all. Took less pay but I like my job so much more, and I am much happier and less stressed out. Once you have decided you know you want to work somewhere because it's a good fit for you, set a salary that you would like to make and stick to it no matter what. You might say I want to work at place XYZ but I wouldn't do it for anything under ammount "X". Also you should set a higher salary figure for your "goal" and try to get in at that ammount. Then if you get an offer you can negoitiate salary on the spot, as you already know what yout want to make and know what you wouldn't.

    Just my thoughts on this....

    • I am not passionate about money. I need money to live, and do the job I want to do.Mojo

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