Mindfucked by Tetris

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • _salisae_0

    this reminded me of this kid's documentation of how his world was warped by his video game addiction .. focusing mainly on his irrational fears.

    3.2 Red ketchup and stage and yellow mustard bottles

    3.2.1 Origins

    The origins of this comes from my severe video game addiction and Metroid. In Metroid, when you had it where the screen scrolls horizontally, you had lava below, normally yellow, red, or pink (magenta is most likely). From this, even as early as first or second grade, anything that was a strong red or yellow (like the red carpeted stage in the basement of my elementary school, or the yellow mustard bottles during lunch) was considered to be "lava" as from Metroid.

    3.2.2 Fear events

    I don't recall much about this fear. For doing those performances I did in music class, I stood on the floor rather than on the stage. During lunch, whenever someone moved one of those ketchup or mustard bottles too close to me, I got up from my table asking them to move it elsewhere. I was often bullied about this. I don't recall much else though.

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