Major advice needed.

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • 5timuli0

    My wife doesn't work at the moment. She was pretty much forced to resign from her paralegal job as her boss was a cnut. She hasn't got anything since as we were unsure what we were doing (Uk or USA).

    Even if she could get something for $20k and if I found something at $65k I think we'd be comfortable enough to get things under control.

    Problem is, her resume reads like War and Peace and most jobs are under six months. Plus she hates working anyway so her attitude isn't always the greatest. She's had a run of shitty retail jobs and menial crap labor.

    • so much of your problem is money stress, if your wife could help out you'd be in a better mental state to work out what you really want to do...vespa
    • really want to dovespa

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