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Out of context: Reply #11

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  • autonoma0

    I love everything she's done.

    I used to work as an audio engineer and had an obsession with making sure any punches in a recording (especially in vocal takes) were totally cleaned up so you didn't hear that digital "click!" and that the punch landed right at the end or beginning of a breath. Most digital recording software make this easy as you can move the edit around later.

    I can hear SO MANY places in this song where her vocals were either punched-in or edited poorly and it makes me crazy. I wish I didn't hear this kind of stuff, but I can't stop listening for it. I hear it in songs all the time. It's kind of a curse.

    For instance, at :33 you can hear her take a breath and start to sing a line, then it stops and another vocal comes in. This happens numerous times.

    I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with doing vocal takes and choosing the best bits—hell, I did it all the time in my band—I just wish engineers would take more care.

    That being said, I LOVE M.I.A!!!!!!!!!

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