House Abuse

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • 79 Responses
  • harlequino0

    This one works, did this to someone a few years ago.

    You will need:
    Several (preferrably identical) plastic food storage containers, more cylindrical shaped
    Corn syrup & red food coloring
    Masking tape/markers

    Mix up a bunch of the corn syrup and food coloring to make a big batch of movie blood. Fill each of the containers about 3/4 of the way with the fake blood.
    Apply masking tape or a label to each container and make up some data to repeat on each, as if each one is a specimen of some sort. For example:
    -Female, 105 lbs.
    -Greene St.
    -July 25, 2008
    -Struggled, no screaming

    Now leave them toward the back of the fridge. Mixed in with the other items.

    • hahah..that's awesomepencilpants
    • Love that 'Struggled, no screaming line'.

      Though.. it came a bit easily - you experienced?
    • you experienced?detritus

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