The Watchmen Trailer

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Jaline0

    The trailer and various quotes make it seem like the film is actually faithful to the book. Even the ending. Which is good.

    From IMDb:

    - Though author Alan Moore preemptively disowned all filmed adaptations of his work, Zack Snyder has said that his ultimate hope is that someday Moore will actually see the film and feel that it is a decent representation of the original graphic novel.

    - When asked in an interview with about original 'Watchmen' writer Alan Moore's dismissal of his movie, Snyder was quoted as saying "Worst case scenario - Alan puts the movie on his DVD player on a cold Sunday in London and watches and says, 'Yeah, that doesn't suck too bad.'" When this was brought up with Moore himself in a later interview in the British Tripwire comics fanzine, the writer commented "That's the worst case scenario? I think he's underestimated what the worst case scenario would be... that's never going to happen in my DVD player in 'London' [Moore very famously lives in Northampton]. I'm never going to watch this fucking thing."

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