
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • dauntilus0

    The majority (that means over half people) of the best creative directors I have worked witih in my 11 years have been copywriters. In an ideal agency set up, your creative director is there to inspire, and help cultivate and grow the next big idea. Once the big idea is there, its the art director's job to make sure the visuals support the big idea. At that stage the creative directors involvment is/should be more of management of creatives on the project and making sure what the AD is doing with his art direction is strongly supporting the big idea. The creative directors job (wether they have a writing or design background) is NOT to stand in the senior AD's cube, over thier shoulder and say make this bigger, move this to the left, I like this shade of blue instead, use it or else.

    You show me a creative director who wants to art direct vicariously through the art director and I will show you a CD that no art director worth thier salt in the company wants to work with. They wont tell the CD that to thier face (career suicide you know), but they will quietly start petitioning to get off the project OR at the very least try to avoid getting on another project with that creative director.

    Everyone on the creative side has a role. Sometimes the lines become fuzzy though. When a CD is forever at the AD's desk over his shoulder trying to get the AD to art direct what the CD "would do if he were the AD" then he's probably a CD that never should have been one. Some of it just has to do with personality. Not everyone with a great book or reel is actually CD material.

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