
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Meeklo0

    Racism occurs in all races. It's universal.

    You are correct.
    I actually remember seeing (back in highschool) this group of pseudo "skin heads" (this was back in Argentina if you can believe that), and all of them, each and every one of them had indigenous looks/ heritage.

    • so my guess is that they were beating each other up?Meeklo
    • and some sort of tele-portal transported them to another dimension..Meeklo
    • skinheads? in Argentina? seriously?omgitsacamera
    • I know, it makes NO SENSE.
      that is why there had to be some sort of portal...
    • I bet you its like Half-Life and that portal was a product of a black project gone wrong.omgitsacamera

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