Robert Murraine

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • invisiblechamber0

    jaline - thanks for the collection! now that's some exercise for me...
    as a noob i had a pretty hard time extracting the expressions from most of the dances, although they are obviously not too difficil. in case of ((*scrolling up. scrolling back down*)) wade robson i even suspect there is none and agree with lloyd. as the dancers are doubtless very skilled, for the bigger part it's probably the way the show is staged what distracts from the performance. if a dancer is good enough for this big audience it should not be necessary to mount the cameras onto dancers, too. plus what they all have in common is a terrible choice of music - i mean not because it is too far away from what i personally like but in most cases it doesn't suit the dance at all. but that's just tv, i guess. anyway, filtering the quality from this audio-visual hush-up is an interesting lesson. so, thanks again (-:

    • When you watch more and more dance shows and routines, you learn so much about specific things. As for music,Jaline
    • I actually think it's half and half. Sometimes it suits the routine...other times it really doesn't. I posted this dance inJaline
    • a better quality in the above post. The show is one of the best reality TV shows in that every single person is talented.Jaline
    • You're welcome :)Jaline
    • a couple of years ago i had a foto/video session with choreographer james sutherland. as it was a rehersal with instructions to the dancers it was very insightfull. they worked like director and actors and the verbal comments to how to express a certain emotion through dance made it understandable for me. btw i'm not dancing myself - i'm more like "damn i want to motioncapture those guys" ;-)invisiblechamber
    • hey where is my text? won't type all that again :-/invisiblechamber

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