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Out of context: Reply #10

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  • flashbender0

    according to babblefish, this is what that says:

    I really, just wanted to see what the reaction would be if I were to post this here. You see I am a skeptic, I have a scientific mind that does not readily believe things. Which is a real disadvantage in my religion. I spent a long time trying to find a religion that sat well with me, I was raised an Atheist and was introduced to the church in year 1. In year 8 I chose to become a Baptist. I studied the Bible, I prayed every night, I did not however go to Church as that was not part of my family’s life. About a year later I realized that it just did not work for me. It did not sit easily, something was out fo place. I could not quite put my finger on it, but something was not right. I loved the feeling of religion, just not THAT particular religion. It was then that I truly found paganism. I just seemed to sit well. Many people think that I am odd, or going to hell, or that I am worshiping Satan (I’ll give them the odd bit, but other than that...). It makes for interesting friends and an interesting time at school. You have to live with the fear, the perscution and the uncertainty. You never know how someone will react. It must be a great thing to be able to wear a crucifix in public and not get strange stares, or even have people cross the road to avoid walking near you. The problem is that, adult pagans think that you are going through a phase and don’t often take you seriously and everyone else thinks you are a freak.

    It’s not really the way you want to grow up

    The other thing that I detest (though I do it too) is pagans who complain about the way they are treated by the main-stream faiths, but then turn around and bad-mouth Christians or similar. I realized that some of the things I have caught myself saying could come across quite mean.I always say myself as a religiously tollereant person but, apparently not that tolerant, it is easy to complain when something discriminates against you, but so much harder to stand up and say something when something discriminates against people who treat YOU badly.

    I suppose it is here that I need to remember the Three Fold Law... :)

    So, why can’t we all make the effort to understand BEFORE we judge, to know before we guess. Wouldn’t that just make the world run that bit more smoothly? I we want to be treated with tolerance and understanding, we must treat others with that same consideration. I know it is cliche but it is oh so true. How can I complain that people treat me badly, if I do the same to others. If we all make an effort, it can only bring us closer to true understanding and harmony. What religion or race you are does not matter, we are all human and we all deserve to be understood.

    So, dearest Mother, (and everyone else who may or may not read this) Help me to make an effort, so I can help others to do the same.

    Blessed Be,

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