//::Tattoo Design::\\

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • frost2150

    here's my 2 cents about the tattoo i just got.

    i drew up an idea of what i wanted. It was my own version of the caduceus staff (the medical symbol). I have worked with the artist in the past and i know his style and capability of executing this idea i had.

    That's exactly what it was, just an idea sketched on paper.
    When i presented the sketch to him, he simply asked do you want that exactly or am I going to re-draw what you have to suit the placement and line weight better. I opted for option 2 and he just redrew my idea.

    I come back a week later and he developed my idea to something so much more awesome that I could ever imagine and draw my self. Although he put clouds on the background in his first sketch, i simply asked him to replace them with water. 20min later i was on his chair getting the outline done.

    I learned in the past to always have a great communication with the artist. I kept asking what do you see about colors and shading. He definitely asked and respected my opinions and in the same time i knew he was the expert and would recommend the best way to execute such idea.

    hope that helps u out.

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