Capsized Ferry

Out of context: Reply #17

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    yeah I'm Italian,
    I like fast cars, boobylicious girls, wine and I'm so ANTI WESTERN that you better not eat Mac Donalds in front of me,

    detritus & moth are the new counter culture folks here,
    assuming that I'm Italian because I live here is just plain stupid, I guess in your field of design you don't get to travel much....

    I find it appalling that everytime I speak my mind, "because I'm so anti -western" that i can't apparently use free speech, i get you guys jumping in.
    to clarify the situation, i was born in a "third" world country, most of my family still lives there, what I hear from them is a lot different from what the news cover, if they even cover it...
    the death and poverty that has impoverished my country is mainly due to western corporation that are happy to get the natural resources and keep dictators in power.

    and the sad thing is you never hear about the tragedy that happened there unless a foreigner is involved in it. its like the life of those living there has no signification, nobody's going to cry for them, right???

    yesterday, the news here was that an italian died in Irak (8am)
    at 1pm it was reported that it was an iraki with the Italian citizenship, it didn't even make the night news.....

    so whats your point then, am I wrong to think that way? did they even mention Irak anymore in the news where you live?

    • "Yeah I'm Italian"
      "assuming that I'm Italian because I live here is just plain stupid" er..?
    • I didn't assume nothing, I'm just familiar with all the other stupid points you've made under different usernames.detritus
    • Fair point about 'our' corporations though. Mind you, you might start by blaming your dictator, eh?detritus
    • FIRST OFF: You can speak your opinion (but that means others can too!)dan5382
    • SECOND: Should we revert back to tribes? I dont know what country exactly your talking about but they didn't say NO to the money they recieved.dan5382

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