
Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Point50

    two years ago when I had food poisoning I had to catch a flight to NJ for a friend's wedding. I spent the whole flight in the airplane bathroom just miserable. Ate some rice at a restaurant in the Newark airport, then just drank Jack Daniels and water for the next 36 hours or so. Now, I'm not sure if the alcohol really does kill the bacteria, but it worked for me.

    • damn, that sounds miserable. I hate those tiny airplane bathrooms I always have to duck.designbot
    • that sucks. it must've been worse when other people wanted to use the facilities.Jaline
    • they knocked, so then I'd go back to my seat for 5 minutes or so and then return when they were done.Point5
    • yup.....totally sucks...Jaline

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