Critique, yo

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • 14 Responses
  • abizzyman0

    i agree w/the font on the splash... it doesn't fit... and the text telling you what you need to view the site seems a bit fat and abtrusive (sp?)...

    ... also... damn that image is huge on the home page... alot of people w/smaller res are going to have to scroll through that image. I'm set at 1280 x 1024 and i barely get the info at the bottom... but still have plenty of scrolling to do.

    also --- i'm not a fan of the navigation - I have no idea on what it is i'm clicking on. did you mean to be cryptic w/the images as navigation?

    don't sweat resizing windows... i'm learning that the only people who hate that are the folks on NT and other designers --- browsers have the ability to launch new windows at new sizes - why not take advantage of that? I've never understood why people are against it... except that they get their little windows exactly where they want them.

    ... i suppose if you have a better solution than launching new windows... then do so.... someone above did make a good point about how much space your main page uses (as it scrolls)... so perhaps you could rethink launching new windows and place the images on the main page.

    keep going.

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