Fat People

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • harlequino0

    I was at a party last year at which the hosts' kitchen doorway was really really narrow. So narrow that when they got a new fridge, they had to disassemble it outside before bringing it in. Yeah. So..
    This one woman shows up who's really fat, like orca fat. Attempts to walk in to the kitchen to say hello and grab a beverage, and Ooof!! No can fit! She tried to get in sideways, still couldn't do it. It was awful.
    I was on the other side of the kitchen and bailed out of view as it was so embarrassing. There were others there to absorb the awkwardness. The rest of the evening, people took unspoken turns casually asking her "Oh i'm gonna get a drink/snack, can I bring you someting?" It was painful.

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