help getting out of sme corp trap

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  • uncle_helv0

    (and I'm NOT busting your chops)
    If you believe in the ideas in your work, stand up for ithem, I'm sure I speak on behalf of most creative folk when I say most of the great ideas have been a struggle to get their clients to buy into (unless they are an open minded client who understand the power of being different and the usefulness of good ideas and design) clients although they say they want to be original/forward thinking/different, what they really mean is we want to fit in and be like as you say 'company x' you have to fight tooth and nail to get them to say "okay I love it, do it!!!"

    What's your set up? do you have someone who can market you? if not why not try a PR agency?

    If you want more dynamic clients then, I think you need a more dynamic website, it doesn't really scream creativity, it looks clean, but safe and dare I say a bit dull, if you want to turn the heads of Marketing Managers/desicion makers then you have to engage them!

    On the subject of re-working projects yes put anything you liked, think worked well, but got rejected, put it in, I know a lot of people who use the rejected pitches and concept work in their folio, I remember working at agencies and when they entered work for awards they would take copy, call to actions, all stuff they felt was unnecessary off adverts etc, to make the work look less cluttered, and back to the original thought (before all the client input) again I see nothing wrong with that! or do self initiated projects and add them to your folio!

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