I am uncoachable!

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • Transit_Broadcast0

    One day you'll have to look into a prima dona designer and see how ridiculous you are acting now. If you can't handle criticism, then work in a noncreative industry... if you want to accell at an agency then learn about working within an organized environment, read up on pop psychology and figure out the massive dynamics of what makes people tick.

    Because in the end, you want to be the 'good' guy, no? If someone calls your current AD, it's only logical that you want him or her to say you were 'easy' to work with rather than the opposite - difficult.

    I don't think enough designers understand the nature of business. That being said, I'm just about ready to throw my towel in on 2D design... because in the end it does kinda suck when a client or SR creative washes down a perfectly acceptable idea.

    Someone should write a book titled, How to Be A Designer Without Feeling Like a Bitch.

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