Printing Web Pages?

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 7point340

    probably completely unrelated to your question...

    i HATE when people at my company insist on print out webpages i design. they insist that it doesn't rpint correctly or that part is cropped off and that i need to fix it.

    i inform them that A) these are class schedules that are updated on a regular (weekly, sometimes daily basis) there IS no legitamate reason for you to be printing these out. you get no correspondence as to when they are updated so you obviously have no efficient way of knowing when you need to print out an updated version. it wastes time, ink and paper.

    B) it prints fine. i have printed both from the browser and from copying and pasting it into word... it prints fine. you are an idiot.

    C) its not supposed to be printed. it's a website. if you don't want to use a computer or the internet then we should give you crayons and a coloring book instead. you can post your own class schedules. as many as you want

    • i wish i had the balls to actually say this verbatum to anyone at our company... maybe when i quit7point34
    • i had a boss that would type up emails, print them out and then hand you a hard copy.fugged
    • you can't make this shit up7point34

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