London's Transport...

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Spookytim0

    I feel entitled to defend the Underground against knockers and detractors as I now live 60 miles away from its most southerly station and so hardly ever have to endure its grim inefficiency these days.

    But it wasn't always that way, oh no, you see... because... I used to be a Londoner you know, oh yes, back in the day... I worked for Enterprise IG You know, they were a very marvellous company were Enterprise IG , erm, they did... was I. Oh yes, they were the people who made the Seat Cars logo 10 times bigger than it should be. Marvellous. Do you know, I was there at Enterprise IG on that fateful day when the blah blah blah ... (fade sound, apply wobbly time travel filter to image and fade to black screen... wait three seconds, change hands on wall clock to suggest 20 minutes have elapsed... fade back up again, fade in audio...) ... "blah blah blah, so you see, if it wasn't for my quick thinking, on my feet, what I like to do under pressure, they'd have picked the wrong logo.

    Oh yes, I was very well known for my quick thinking I am, I was always getting invited along as a special guest hof honour, to the best brainstorms at all the most prestigious of companies in London, such as Enterprise IG for example, and others, to name a few for you. I once shook hands with Elton John in the OXO tower you know. Now if you'll excuse me, I must carry on making my preparations what I am currently making, for the first ever International Shoreham-Upon-Sea Annual Global Art and Design Conference, of which I am guest speaker of honour. Oh they're all coming for this one, oh yes, Stephen Sagaloo will be there, erm, not Sagaloo, thats a spincah dish... Stephen Surfmeister, No its... Stephen Smugmaster, or is it Slagmonster.... I must check that before I send his invite... What am I talking about? Nurse? NURSE, I'M CONFUSED AGAIN, HELP ME UP"

    • that was some dead clever writing there man...exador1

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