do you have an alter ego

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • flavorful0

    When I order food on the phone, or if at like restaurants they ask me for my name for a table I always say, "Rutteger."

    Sometimes people don't bat an eye lash, but mostly they stop what they're doing and go, "What? No way. How do you spell that?"


    Really quickly and I honestly have no idea why.

    Okay I do. And +1 to anyone who knows it, haha.

    • Basically anyone I don't know and don't plan to ever know I tell them my name is "Rutteger."flavorful
    • I always say Dr.West. Doctors get great tables. And I say west because no-one misunderstands and all can spell itcapsize
    • In like 10 years or whatever when I become I get my doctorate I'm going to drop it all the time.flavorful
    • Obviously the doctorate will not be in grammar, but instead typing before I'm done thinking.flavorful

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