Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • PonyBoy0

    The only cause I've picked here, Blaw.... is the fact that we're capable of being whatever we care to be in this country. No one should put any stipulation on how much we're capable of 'being'. Ever.

    To tax this shit of folks like Cheney... then complain they're only paying out 600K TO US... NOT THEM ( not the rich ) a dirty pile of shit.

    How dare you demand money from someone who's smarter than you just because you didn't come up with your own method of taking care of yourself.

    Americans consistently fail to understand the capability they have to 'be their own future'.... why they fuck do you all keep bending over and grabbing your ankles to the 'ideas' of politicians who say they have the 'poor' in mind?

    it's the same old line of bullshit every fucking year... tax the rich to feed the fucking poor...
    ... well... I have news for you... in the U.s.... you ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF GETTING OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND WIPING IT YOURSELF.

    I don't care what fucking hand you've been dealt.. some of us have been dealt the ultimate pile of bullshit... yet we succeed... Stop bitching about the rich... AND GET RICH YOURSELF.

    Either complain and be poor and angry... or step up and do something for yourself. Really ... in this country... all you have to do is wake up and be proactive and you can be successful.

    Blah Blah blah... please... continue on and tell me how I'm wrong... please... make sure you point out the poor guy who isn't white... please.. point out the poor guy who's ethnic... please.. point out the poor person who can't make it w/out the help of some pathetic wealthy white liberal in office... PLEASE... POINT THIS SHIT OUT TO ME... CUZ I'VE YET TO WITNESS IT IN PERSON.

    I know a number of folks LEGAL in this country... and everyone them is KICKING ASS if you break down their financial situation...


    Blaw... you seem to be championing the right of the poor Joe who can't do shit on his/her own because they need some sappy shitty government asshole to step up and wipe their butt for them.

    Pay attention and see that at the end of the day... you're SHIT in the U.S. unless you step up and man shit on your own... which is EXACTLY what this country is all about.

    Keep DREAMING if you think there will ever be a gov that pays your health insurance... that pays your rent... that pays for your babies formula and diapers...

    ... HELL WILL FREEZE OVER BEFORE such a social state exists in this country.

    Wipe your own butt and learn to save/watch your money... that's the only way you will succeed in the U.S.

    If you think clowns like this Obama dipshit are going to bring on this 'hope' and 'properity' for all... YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND.

    the only way to make it in the states is on your OWN STEAM.... not with the aid of your neighbor your government.

    Good lord... pay attention, folks.

    • properity = prosperity...

      ... sorry. :) The audacity of me!!! I SWEAR SOMETIMES!!!
    • property= slavery...that's the history of the usa, still is in many waysoozie

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