
Out of context: Reply #31

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  • Spookyhome0

    "would have been so much better without the character or the balloons, they seem to throw the balance off of the style".

    Ah, see, I drew the word, and then I deliberately putthose half puffed balloons in and the character. A barely considered character design, a couple of half inflated baggy balloons, and off centre. Sort of mediocre, not as good as it could have been. A bit off balance. Mediocre. Without those things it looked like I was presenting a lettering style that happened to say "Mediocre". It has to look and feel mediocre. It will be in very stark contrast to all the words that precede it. It will hit the eye like a gateaux of vapid mediocrity, with the balloons, and the stupid doughy man.


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