Anti-War Action Jan 18-20, 2003

Out of context: Reply #98

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  • toolius0

    A few things to remember when dealing with Saddam Hussein is..

    For one, that WE created him.

    For decades we gave him weapons. even weapons of mass destruction. (why do you think the USA took the Iraqi Weapons Declaration from the UN and edited it? To remove and protect many of the US and European companies and govornments who supplied Iraq with the ingredients to make WMD's) And we didn't mind him using WMD's when it was against Iran or even his own people. As long as it/he suited OUR purpose. So it is originally OUR mistake. So why should the Iraqi people have to pay for OUR mistake.

    Also keep in mind that Saddam is not the only 'bad guy' on this planet. Are we going to go after Iran after this? I believe Iran is one of the Bush administration main objectives. Once Iran is defeated then Islam will have no major powers to keep the western hands off the middle east oil. and Iran is not going to be a push over. Alot of people will die in that conflict.

    Then there is North Korea. Who unlike Saddam, admits to having nukes, has kicked out the UN inspectors and is on the verge of going to war with us. So why the double standard. They seem like more of a threat to me than Saddam and there is ACTUAL PROOF about their WMD's. This is a situation that is not going to go away.

    There are many dictators and rulers around the globe that fall into the Saddam catergory. Look all across Africa and Asia. Many have far worse track records than Saddam yet it is Saddam who we attack.

    The difference between Iraq and North Korea is simple. Oil. and lots of it.

    So my point is this. We must devise a better strategy on dealing with these types of people because there are too many of them to just start going around the planet planet a potentially leatal game of Risk.

    Not to mention that this is not about terrorism. It is about resources. The world's oil supply is only going to last for a few more decades so he who controls the oil controls the planet. The powers that be in America have known this for quite some time and will do ANYTHING to get it. Notice Bush said the fight against terrorism (which is tactically impossible) will be a "long war that will stretch across the globe."

    He is conditioning you for a long line of wars. Wars that will enevitably be fought in OIL RICH countries like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Peru and any area near the Caspian Sea. (which is what Afghanistan was really about. Just ask Dick Cheney and his crew of pipeline building oil buddies) Notice we never found Osama?

    And we will not find Osama. That is not the objective. Osama creates terror. Terror feeds the war machine. The war machine then conquers and contorls the resources of the world. AT ANY COST.

    so... how do we deal with Saddam?

    How about honesty. How about dialogue. How about economic trade and relations. How about empowering the Iraqi people with education and hope.

    The Western countries (US/Britain/France) have been deviding and conquering the oil rich countries every since oil was found there. Most of the borders of Iraq etc were made by the West. Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, etc didn't even have official borders until Britain stepped in and made them official. It has bee the plan all along to control this area.

    And we wonder why the Arab world is so angry?

    If the govornment really cared about the Iraqi crisis the could definitely deal with it peacefully.

    But that is not the option that will put the Iraqi oil in the hands of a few greedy westerners.

    And we will allow this to happen because cheap oil means I can continue to drive my SUV until the cows come home.

    War is not a game. Especially in a world where we have the nuclear power to destroy ourselves hundreds of times over.

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