the designers republic

Out of context: Reply #40

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  • johnnnnyh0

    Spookytim - I agree. I find design moves on so rapidly, more so than say music, so you see one style - and you like it, then that's it, it can't be copied, it can be reset, but each time you see it you know where it's come from. Like when the Guardian did the thing with their logo, and everyone was doing two colours/two fonts with typography.

    If it was music you'd get a whole set of bands and you'd appreciate each one, but in design I feel it always goes back to the first person who does it.

    I remember the MTV flash website which Digit(?) did and it was like wow, you can do that on the web - But I didn't want to see more of the same thing, although I did want to "feel the same" about any site I saw, as in "Wow" - which rarely happens.

    Another one was Joshua Davies Barney's site - which you saw everywhere once it was clear how he'd done it.

    I guess you need to keep one step ahead of the game, and not locked into your style, but keep ditching it and re-inventing yourself. Then again Cartier Bresson did pretty much the same style of images all his life and it didn't matter.

    Anyway, what do I know?

    I dread the angst and the bleakness, am glad it doesn't disturb me since I have no talent to lose.

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