the designers republic

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Spookytim0

    I think one of the hardest things to accept is that you have your day and then, like the ocean, you roll back below. That's not to say you can't have your day again, but being on top once before doesn't qualify you to be on top again. You have to sink back below, and either wait for your style to be appreciated all over again by a new audience so you get ressurected as a grand-daddy of a genre trend, or you have to worj hard and hope that you come up with something new and exctiing one day that puts you back on top. I think this is true for all of us who actually give a fuck about our work, not just the celebrated heroes.

    I personally am going through a lot of mithering bollocks trying to invent a new style and approach right now.

    To some extent I think WhyNot Associates have done really weel to quietly age into a good quality set up. I would have written them off completely after the 90's.... after all, their first time on top consisted of little more than infantile Freehand pen tool scribbling and tourettian type hacking, but look at them now... they do really beautiful understated and effortlessly stylish looking work.

    (I'm not dissing the old Ynots stuff BTW, at the time it was awesome, but in retrospect its quite primitive).

    I reckon a lot of these design heroes must go through terrible angst and bleak-as-fuck turmoil as they watch themselves slipping from their perches at the top. It must be awful. But, you can only be the next new fresh exciting original thing until everyone has consumed it, then its the mainstream, then its some other young rapscallion's turn to present a fresh style of work. Someone who you probably employed from college three years previously.

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