the designers republic

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • johnnnnyh0

    "basically invented the industry as we know it today" - I really don't think that's quite true. I think they were important, but at the time there were loads of others who were equally if not more important like Attik, AKQA, Digit, Razorfish, Deepend, Tomato - that was a defining moment in the digital design industry.

    I always saw TDR slightly out of that - more like Tomato I guess. I think it was still revolutionary, but in context, they weren't inventing the industry.

    Do others see TDR as mainly a graphic(al) agency rather than digital (if I may draw the two as distinct)? They did do some interesting retro-styled digital work as I remember. I thought their website was built by someone else anyway.

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