Abortion search banned

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • gramme0

    I'll deposit my 2ยข and say that yes, it is wrong for this information to be censored. Rather than focusing efforts upon censorship, they should focus on promoting alternatives to abortion. So in that regard I partially agree with detritus et al. It is the commonest of sins among Christians and right-leaning folks who may or may not eschew Christian values to be builders of walls rather than builders of bridges. It's quite sad, really.

    Teleos mentioned it, but this is layman's science 101: everything needed for the development of human life is present in a fertilized egg. Not in detritus' thumb or latest darling little deuce. Therein lies the difference. There is no harm in an egg or a sperm dying, because these things are not human, since they are missing 50% of the necessary DNA. Saying that a fertlized egg is not human because it depends upon its mother for sustenance or because it bears little physical resemblance to a baby is intellectual dishonesty crafted by pro-choice people to allow themselves to sleep at night. It's as intellectually dishonest as saying that a teenager is not a human being because it's not fully grown or capable of supporting itself without the help of parents.

    Where do you draw the line? It's a lot easier to kill what cannot be seen rather than that which is before our eyes.

    • Well said. I'll add to that and say zygotes/ embryos/ fetuses they are only considered babies when they are wanted by their parents.odinie
    • parents.odinie
    • this atheist agrees totally with you Gramme.mikotondria3
    • :)gramme

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