site crit?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • midori0

    thanks again guys. these comments are very helpful. i can unfortunately not take credit for the images. They are my buddy Jeff's who im putting the site together for. I have forwarded him this post so he gets your comments on his work as im sure he will appreciate. I will start coming up with some ideas for a logo, not just basic text. i have spaced out the links a bit more.

    as for the thumbnails. we talked a long time about how to do the nav on this site. we were both really tired of the ubiquitous thumbnail on photo sites so tried to come up with something else. originally we didnt have the little cubes at all, just click on the main image to go to the next one. we want to keep the focus on the work. next we had just gray cubes. what we were trying to do is give the the viewer just an idea of the color in the section of images they are looking at. not actually useful in knowing what is the image before clicking on it, but just give a sense of the general tone of each section. of course we cant explain this idea to people that visit the site so if its not working maybe we should rethink our approach.

    best regards. ill repost for your thoughts once we get a logo/loading issues hammered out. thanks!!

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