site crit?

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • 15 Responses
  • Spookytim0

    Thought I'd look and reply as a totally non-websavvy person.

    Loads way too slow

    Thumbnails laughably small

    I like the simplicity and the look. Its undertsated and lets the work breath. Designers will always criticise a site design that doesn;t look slickly designed, but if you're not a designer, and it is clear and functional, then I say kick em in the grill.

    I think the pictures, or some of them, could be shown much bigger. Maybe some key pieces could be shown much much bigger to give more visual impact.

    I thought the work was great overall, but frequently dipped into the merely competent and occasionally utterly commonplace and I wonder if you might find a further edit useful to just show the images that really grab. I always think these days that total laypeople can build a portfolio of competant digital photography on flikr, so the pressure on photographers to edit their portfolios down to only those images which remain demonstrably better than the accidental photographer is increased.

    Overall, I liked looking at your work but I got bored of waiting.

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