site crit?

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 15 Responses
  • wendog0

    nicely written post - it makes you come off as humble :)

    Anyways, functionality wise it was a bit slow...I think it's cause everything is broken up as images? Might be better if you re-work the CSS in there? Not sure, it might just be my browser (safari 3.0.4) or my connection. I'm seeing a flash on the nav that makes it feel kinda glitchy...Other than that it all loads up pretty good and the images come up smoothly..

    As for design, I think its a bit bland...I'm not feeling the way you aligned the type right on the nav and your logo...The logo needs work, it looks like you just picked a font and color and typed in Photoshop...

    <a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

    This spacing is killing me too, clean up your gutters to match up better if you are going for the clean CSS table look...

    Lastly, I would try playing around with an alternate fonts or even the same font with different weights...It may spice up this bland page a bit...BAM (in emeril voice)

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