Out of context: Reply #592

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  • Spookyhome0

    Dear QBN,
    Due to a recent illness (viral Meningitis) I was unable to enter the competition. Having looked at the appallingly low standards of the entries you have received however, I feel confident that I would almost certainly have won (viral meningitis prevented me from entering however). Therefore, please advise me if you will accept a written description of the piece I would have submitted were I not critically ill in hospital recently (with viral meningitis), and I would be happy to provide it to you in a private email. I would also be happy to include in that email, a list of dissenting persons who have expressed negative attitudes towards QBN recently. A list that would, you may be surprised to hear, include almost everyone who has entered this competition.

    It is exactly that kind of cynical, prize grabbing mentality that I, and others like me, object to and I feel it is my duty, and the duty of others like me, to remove the majority of bad apples from QBN in order to protect the few decent people here who value this forum and seek to build upon its strengths for future generations (viral meningitis). I look forward to receiving two of the three prizes on offer as one will, I assure you, be immediately donated to a local charity of your choice.

    Your faithful friend,
    Proud Member.

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