Adobe Camera Downloader

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Spookytim0

    NijaSavant is familiar with the ease with which iphoto will auto-delete images from your camera's card once you import them. iphoto does this seamlessly if you select the 'auto-delete' button. For reasons not stated Ninjasavant would like to use Adobe Camera Downloader to upload his camera data, but he's disappointed by the fact that ACD doesn't seem to offer the same easy auto-removal that Iphoto does (if you've checked the auto-delete box that is). So he's writing firstly to express this disappointment, but more in the hope that somebody here might have some knowledge of ACD and would thereofre be able to advise him that it is possible to do an auto-delete via ACD.

    • Thank you for helping clarify this as I am currently befuddled at how this hasn't gotten across.ninjasavant

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