What would you tell a student?

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • PonyBoy0

    1.) If you're good at what you do... keep your mouth shut and make sure your work proves it... no one cares to hear how 'good' you are.

    2.) no matter how good you are... there are always a load of folx out there better than you.

    3.) stay humble.

    ... and that bullshit about moving home w/your parents...
    ... HUH? WHAT?

    4.) Move out and show some self-worth by paying for your own ass while you try and pursue what YOU want to do... the only reason anyone should 'live at home' is because your parents NEED YOU... else... grow up... suck it up (unless you're struggling for work cuz you suck...)

    5.)... if you 'suck' at what you've been pursuing (i've known far too many 'shitty' designers from school who went/will go nowhere in this field outside of a production job for $25k/year)... STOP NOW... REALIZE YOU SUCK... and become an accountant or something.

    • Depends on your culture and if you're a guy or a girl. I think guys definitely should leave the house. I'm sexist ;)Jaline
    • lame... grow up... move out you little mooch... don't you have like 6 other sibs your parents are still raising?PonyBoy
    • :DPonyBoy
    • hahaha, I'm in school! I'm moving out in a few years when my sisters do and I have money.Jaline
    • By the way, I pay for everything except for the house and when my parents cook for me.Jaline
    • :) I still make sure to hang around for my free meal every time i roll over to my dad and step mums!PonyBoy
    • jaline smells like curryLlyod
    • Lloyd, we need more pictures of your hair.Jaline

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